

There are many reasons to earn your 护理学硕士学位 (MSN) at 十大最大的网络彩票平台 among which are a greater number of career choices and higher pay.

As more and more institutions require a BSN for entry into their nursing ranks, individuals with a 护理学硕士学位 will have opportunities for specializations and advancement in administrative roles and nurse educator roles. Graduate education is characterized by commitment to the advancement of nursing, 理论, 实践与研究. Mastery of this advanced knowledge is essential for the empowered decision-making, problem-solving and independent functioning of professional nurses.

“I would like to personally thank all of you that took part in the accomplishments of helping me earn my BSN as well as my MSN. I have enjoyed each of you as a teacher and feel you helped me grow as an individual. The nursing program is great at TU.”

Lisa Hampton, BSN Class of 2011; MSN Class of 2013

系主任:博士. Kim Cribb 229-226-1621 Ext 1167


The Master of Science in 护理 (MSN) curriculum is based on the AACN Essentials of Master’s 十大网络彩票平台大全 for Advanced Practice 护理 and the Division of 护理 Philosophy and Conceptual Framework. The MSN curriculum presupposes a general, professional preparation in nursing then builds upon, 以及膨胀, 通才的准备. The program also acknowledges that students bring their existing knowledge and experience as practicing registered nurses and have personal and professional goals which are complementary to those of the program.

The organizing framework for the graduate program incorporates 理论 development, 科学探究, 领导策略, 质量管理, 信息技术, 方案规划, and the ethical-legal dimensions of practice. Emphasis is placed on the use of pertinent nursing and non-nursing theories to develop leadership behaviors that will improve the quality of patient care and environment in which nursing is practiced.

This 36-credit 护理学硕士学位 consists of core courses (24 credits) in 护理, with an additional 12 credits in either 护理 政府 or 护理 十大网络彩票平台大全. The program is designed to allow students to maintain an active nursing practice while attending classes. Internship hours are arranged at times and locations convenient to students and preceptors.




The MSN and Post Masters Certificate nursing programs at 十大最大的网络彩票平台 located in Thomasville, GA由以下机构认可:

Accreditation Commission for 十大网络彩票平台大全 in 护理 (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the MSN and Post Masters Certificate nursing programs is Continuing Accreditation.


The following items are required for admission to the 十大最大的网络彩票平台 RN-MSN, MSN或MSN- mba项目:

  • 入学申请.
  • 订购官方成绩单 来自所有之前的学院.
  • Current valid Registered Nurse License without limitations or sanctions. 学生必须拿R.N. license from the state or country in which they plan to complete any practicum hours.
  • College grade point average of 3.在4分制中为0或更高.0.
  • Resume.
  • Statement of Purpose outlining personal and professional goals.  This should be no longer than two pages.
  • 三个建议.

All admission documents should be mailed to admissions@xnblackant.com.


托马斯维尔,GA 31792


The RN-MSN graduate coursework is offered completely online

BSN level “bridge” coursework provides ADN-prepared nurses with the academic preparation for graduate level coursework without requiring students to earn a separate BSN degree.

MSN students complete either the 护理 十大网络彩票平台大全 or the 护理 政府 track as part of their program.

A BSN is not awarded to RN-MSN students.

  • 作文我
  • 作文我I OR Oral Communications
  • 统计数据
  • 普通心理学
  • Interdisciplinary Survey of Humanities I
  • 解剖学与生理学I
  • 解剖学与生理学II
  • 微生物学
  • 专业护理实践
  • 高级健康评估
  • Community/Public Health 护理
  • Evidence-based Practice in 护理
  • Information Technology in 护理 政府 and 十大网络彩票平台大全
  • Advanced Theoretical Foundations
  • Research Design and Methodologies
  • Policy, Law and Ethics in 护理
  • Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics, Pathophysiology and Health Assessment
  • Global Perspectives on Population-Based Health
  • 领导 & 财务管理 Strategies
  • 研究生选修
    护理 Concentrations (Choose one.)
护理 政府 Track
  • Human Resources 管理 for the Nurse Administrator
  • Nurse 政府 Internship
  • Capstone Project in 护理 政府
  • 政府选课
CIP代码51.3802 or 护理十大网络彩票平台大全方向
  • Teaching Strategies in 护理
  • 课程 Development, Assessment and Evaluation in 护理 十大网络彩票平台大全
  • 护理 十大网络彩票平台大全 Internship
  • Capstone Project in 护理 十大网络彩票平台大全


The MSN coursework is offered entirely online. MSN students complete either the 护理 十大网络彩票平台大全 or the 护理 政府 track as part of their program.

MSN的核心                                           24学分
  • Information Technology in 护理 政府 and 十大网络彩票平台大全
  • Advanced Theoretical Foundations
  • Research Design and Methodologies
  • Policy, Law and Ethics in 护理
  • Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics, Pathophysiology and Health Assessment
  • Global Perspectives on Population-Based Health
  • 领导 & 财务管理 Strategies
  • 护理选修
护理 政府 Track        12个学分
  • Human Resources 管理 for the Nurse Administrator
  • Nurse 政府 Internship
  • Capstone Project in 护理 政府
  • Special Topics in 护理 政府


护理十大网络彩票平台大全方向                 12个学分
  • Teaching Strategies in 护理
  • 课程 Development, Assessment, and Evaluation in 护理 十大网络彩票平台大全
  • 护理十大网络彩票平台大全实习
  • Capstone Project in 护理 十大网络彩票平台大全
TOTAL CREDITS                              36 Credits CIP代码51.3801

十大最大的网络彩票平台’s MSN-MBA program prepares Registered Nurses (R.N.s) for the complex demands of administrative leadership positions. Through this joint degree graduate program, Registered Nurses earn a single degree that combines the knowledge and skills learned in both the Master of Science in 护理 (MSN)and a Master of Business 政府 programs (joint degree). All graduate admission policies apply to this program and all entry/progression options.

Three MSN-MBA Program Options are available:
  1. R.N.s with an earned bachelor’s degree in 护理 or a related field must complete the 54 credits of MSN and MBA coursework.
  2. Registered Nurses with a prior MBA or MSN degree from 十大最大的网络彩票平台 must complete the course requirements for the MSN-MBA joint degree. Prior MSN or MBA coursework can be applied.  Contact the 护理 Division for details.

MSN COURSES                          30 Credits

  • Information Technology in 护理 政府 and 十大网络彩票平台大全
  • Advanced Theoretical Foundations
  • Research Design and Methodologies
  • Policy, Law and Ethics in 护理
  • Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics, Pathophysiology and Health Assessment
  • Global Perspectives on Population-based Health
  • 领导 and 财务管理 and Strategies
  • 研究生护理选修
  • 护理 政府 Internship
  • Capstone Project in 护理 政府
MBA课程 MBA先决条件:
  • Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship
MBA核心                                24学分
  • 质量 & 生产力
  • 管理人才 & 劳动力流动
  • 财务管理
  • 营销管理
  • 组织行为
  • 人力资源管理
  • Current Issues in Strategic 管理
  • Operations 管理 or Training and Development
Total Required Credits             54 Credits CIP代码51.3801

十大最大的网络彩票平台’s RN-MSN /工商管理硕士 joint degree program prepares Registered Nurses (R.N.s) for the complex demands of administrative leadership positions in health care. 通过这个独特的, accelerated graduate degree program, Registered Nurses with an earned ADN or Bachelor’s degree can earn a single degree that combines the knowledge and skills learned in both the Master of Science in 护理 and the Master of Business 政府 programs – in just 4 years (full-time study). Three program entry and progression options are available.


  • The MBA and MSN coursework may be earned completely online.
  • BSN level “bridge” coursework provides ADN-prepared nurses with the academic preparation for graduate level coursework without requiring students to earn a separate BSN degree.
  • 作文我
  • 作文我I OR Oral Communications
  • 统计数据
  • 普通心理学
  • Interdisciplinary Survey of Humanities I
  • 解剖学与生理学I
  • 解剖学与生理学II
  • 微生物学
  • Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship
  • General  十大网络彩票平台大全 electives (4 classes)
  • 专业护理实践
  • 高级健康评估
  • Community/Public Health 护理
  • Evidence-based Practice in 护理
  • Information Technology in 护理 政府 and 十大网络彩票平台大全
  • Advanced Theoretical Foundations
  • Research Design and Methodologies
  • Policy, Law and Ethics in 护理
  • Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics, Pathophysiology and Health Assessment
  • Global Perspectives on Population-Based Health
  • 领导 & 财务管理 Strategies
  • Capstone Project in 护理 政府
  • 研究生护理选修
  • Nurse 政府 Internship



  • 质量 & 生产力
  • 管理人才 & 劳动力流动
  • 财务管理
  • 营销管理
  • 组织行为
  • 人力资源管理
  • Current Issues in Strategic 管理
  • Operations 管理 OR Training and Development
总学分150 CIP代码52.0201

+Post-Master’s Certificates

十大最大的网络彩票平台 offers 护理 十大网络彩票平台大全 and 护理 政府 Post-Master’s Certificate programs with graduate-level academic credit in either field of study. The purpose of the certificate program is to provide the fundamental graduate-level academic foundation for master’s -prepared Registered Nurses interested in these fields.

护理 政府 Track        12个学分

Information Technology in 护理 政府 and 十大网络彩票平台大全*
领导 and 财务管理 Strategies*
人力资源管理 for the Nurse Administrator
护理 政府 Internship
护理 政府选课**


护理十大网络彩票平台大全方向                 12个学分

Teaching Strategies in 护理
课程 Development, Assessment, and Evaluation in 护理 十大网络彩票平台大全
Information Technology in 护理 政府 and 十大网络彩票平台大全*

CIP Cod 51.3817

*Course not required for students with an MSN from 十大最大的网络彩票平台
**Required only for students with a prior MSN degree from 十大最大的网络彩票平台

+Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society

The concept of creating a professional nursing honor society, with the eventual goal of becoming a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, has always been a goal of the Division of 护理 at 十大最大的网络彩票平台. 2012年3月, The Phi Tau Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) was officially chartered with 84 members including six officers.

The Phi Tau Chapter of STTI at 十大最大的网络彩票平台 serves to provide a mechanism for professional development, 护理十大网络彩票平台大全, and collaboration among the nurses located in rural southwest Georgia and North Florida. 自成立以来, it has proven to be a strong and active organization of nursing students, graduates and nurse leaders in the region.

For more information, please visit http://www.sigmanursing.org



托马斯维尔,GA 31792